Day 7 of the IFS-based Surrender Novena

(To see the original text go here).

Jesus to a soul: Recall, dear one, how many times I have encouraged you to ‘Be Not Afraid’ in my Word.  My tender love speaks in John’s Gospel, most especially when I say, “Let not your hearts be troubled. Believe in God; believe also in me” (Jn 14:1).

Believe in Me, and ask Me for what you need.  I notice a part of you is working so hard to figure things out.  Of course you are working so hard! The crosses you carry feel very heavy, and, here is the truth: I accompany you and lighten the load with My loving presence, patience, and divine power. I love you, and I encourage you to  remember what St. Paul says to the Corinthians: “For the word of the cross is folly to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God” (v. 18); and, ”For the foolishness of God is wiser than men, and the weakness of God is stronger than men” (v. 25).

Bring all of your needs to Me, and you will see great continual silent miracles. Hope in Me, and I will take care of things, I promise this to you.

A soul’s prayer: O Jesus, I surrender my Self to you; in You, Lord, is my hope! (10 times) (cf Psalm 39:7).

Jesus, You gave us your Mother from the Cross, saying, “Behold, your Mother” (cf John 19:27). With you, Mother Mary, I always want to be completely united to Jesus.

Day 6 of the IFS-based Surrender Novena

(To see the original text go here).

Jesus to a soul: Dear one, I created you so that these two things go together: divine wisdom and human intuition.  Grace and nature. You are experiencing agitation, even to sleepless nights.  I invite you to be curious with Me about this.  Are there many problems to solve?  What would it be like to be still with Me for one moment, with no problem to solve?  Do this with me, in My Presence, for one minute… and then another… and then another. And listen for my guidance.

The enemy of your soul loves to agitate you into self-reliance, and does not want you to remember My gifts of patience, presence, compassion and curiosity that flow into you through my Holy Spirit.  In your imagination place your head on my chest, like the apostle John did, and feel My love and wisdom flowing into you.  My Holy Spirit will guide you to all truth about any situation.

A soul’s prayer: O Jesus, I surrender my Self to you; in You, Lord, is my hope! (10 times) (cf Psalm 39:7).

Jesus, You gave us your Mother from the Cross, saying, “Behold, your Mother” (cf John 19:27). With you, Mother Mary, I always want to be completely united to Jesus.

Day 5 of the IFS-based Surrender Novena

(To see the original text go here).
Jesus to a soul: Dear one, are there some opposing thoughts that you are trying to discern?  There may be excitement about following the path I lay out for you, and yet perhaps you notice fear? Can you direct attention to both of these thoughts in your mind’s eye, and ask them to turn towards you, the one who notices them?  Be with them and send them My peace, which flows into you by the Holy Spirit.  

I may lead you on a path different from the one you thought you would be on, and I will prepare you. “I am the good shepherd,” (Jn 10:1), and I will carry you in my arms.  Notice all the thoughts and feelings around what comes next—the future.  Rest in my spiritual embrace, like children who have fallen asleep in their mother’s arms, and then magically find themselves resting comfortably in their bed. 

Even so, you may have thoughts bringing all sorts of reasons not to trust Me.  I welcome all of your thoughts and feelings, and I validate the good and noble intentions of your questions and worries. As you learn to rest in Me, the wisdom, understanding, and courage of Holy Spirit will heal and bring peace to your body, mind, and spirit.

A soul’s prayer: O Jesus, I surrender my Self to you; in You, Lord, is my hope! (10 times) (cf Psalm 39:7).

Jesus, You gave us your Mother from the Cross, saying, “Behold, your Mother” (cf John 19:27). With you, Mother Mary, I always want to be completely united to Jesus.

Day 4 of the IFS-based Surrender Novena

(To see the original text go here).

Jesus to the soul:Do I notice a fear that things are getting worse?  The world seems crazy as ever, and evil seems to be growing.  (see Ps 57:4 below). Pray as David did, “Be exalted, O God, above the heavens! Let your glory be over all the earth! (Ps 57:5).  Close your eyes and say to Me with faith: “Thy will be done, in You, Lord, is my hope!” I say to you that all is within My permissive will, and that I will intervene as does a doctor and I will accomplish many miracles. Do you see that the sick person is getting worse?  Your presence with them is also My Presence with them — a Presence that brings peace and inner healing. Close your eyes and say, “Thy will be done.” I say to you that “I make all things new,” (Rev 21:5), and that there is no medicine more powerful than My loving intervention. By My love, I promise this to you.

A soul’s prayer: O Jesus, I surrender my Self to you; in You, Lord, is my hope! (10 times) (cf Psalm 39:7).

Jesus, You gave us your Mother from the Cross, saying, “Behold, your Mother” (cf John 19:27). With you, Mother Mary, I always want to be completely united to Jesus.

My soul is in the midst of lions;   

 I lie down amid fiery beasts—

the children of man, whose teeth are spears and arrows,

    whose tongues are sharp swords (Ps 57:4). 

Day 3 of the IFS-based Surrender Novena

(To see the original text go here).

Jesus to the soul: Rest in My loving Presence.  Rest, My dear one.  I am the King of your heart, your Creator, your Love.  “Let not your heart be troubled, believe in God and believe in Me” ( Jn 14:1).  How many things I do when the soul, in so much spiritual and material need, turns to Me, looks at Me, and says to Me, “Thy will be done; in You, Lord, is my hope” and then closes its eyes and rests? 

I notice the emotional pain in your prayers to Me.  Is there a fear that I don’t hear you?  Is there a fear that your feelings do not matter to Me?  Pray as I taught you in the Our Father: “Hallowed be thy Name;” that is, be glorified in my need, Abba! 

“Thy kingdom come;” that is, let all that is in me and in the world be in accord with Your kingdom. 

“Thy will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven;” that is, in my need, decide as You see fit for my temporal and eternal life. 

If you say to Me truly: “Thy will be done,” which is the same as saying: “In You, Lord, is my hope” I will intervene with all My omnipotence, and I will resolve the most difficult situations.

A soul’s prayer: O Jesus, I surrender my Self to you; in You, Lord, is my hope! (10 times) (cf Psalm 39:7).

Jesus, You gave us your Mother from the Cross, saying, “Behold, your Mother” (cf John 19:27). With you, Mother Mary, I always want to be completely united to Jesus.

Day 2 of the IFS-based Surrender Novena

(To see the original text go here).

Jesus to the soul: Do I noticing fretting and hopeless thoughts? It doesn’t feel very good to have these thoughts take over your mind, and even your body, does it?  The stress can take its toll with tension and anxiety.  I invite you to turn your mind’s eye toward these thoughts and feelings, notice them, and say “Hello.”  Let them know they are not alone. These thoughts and feelings are parts of you that need tenderness and healing.

Is there another thought that comes in and hurriedly prays  — asking Me to take away all your difficulties? “Be still and know that I am God” (Ps 46:10).  I am always here with you and I accompany you in all things.

Imagine this with Me: there is a little one who asks her mother to see to her needs, and then she tries to take care of those needs for herself. Do you know a little one like this?  Does she live inside of you? 

Let her know that patience gains all things and you and I are with her. Invite her to be open to my Presence and creative care.  In whatever way seems best, convey to her that My divine power works through you  — the person whose soul I created in my image and likeness — and together we will bring her hope and peace.

A soul’s prayer: O Jesus, I surrender my Self to you; in You, Lord, is my hope! (10 times) (cf Psalm 39:7).

Jesus, You gave us your Mother from the Cross, saying, “Behold, your Mother” (cf John 19:27). With you, Mother Mary, I always want to be completely united to Jesus.


Link to Day 1 – First Sunday of Advent 2023; Link to Day 2; Link to Day 3; Link to Day 4; Link to Day 5; Link to Day 6; Link to Day 7

A few years ago during my walks I began praying the Surrender Novena as a way to bring calm to my system (body, soul, spirit) and direct my mind’s attention towards trusting God. Covid lockdown was in its prime, and growing in trust of my Creator and Source of life and love was needed. Prayer is the means to grow in relationship with God, and there are many ways to approach God in prayer. For me during the time of Covid the Surrender Novena was a good choice.

Also at this time I was implementing the Internal Family Systems (IFS) model for my mental health. My inner system was becoming accustomed to the IFS manner of kindness directed interiorly. Sometimes the words of the Novena, as I was hearing them through my audio app, started to feel shaming. The manner in which the words were expressed in the audio app was angry in tone, much like my own inner critic. Through further discernment I concluded that God’s intention for me is to be closer to Him, and He doesn’t speak to my heart as a critic. That is not God’s character (see Luke 15:11-32). God lovingly draws us towards union with Him, because God is Love. In particular, God is a loving Trinity of persons — Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Shaming is not loving. In fact, God created human love to image Trinitarian love, which is vulnerable, and without shame (cf Gen 2:25).

To make a long story short, I have attempted to rewrite the Surrender Novena using language that I imagine Jesus is speaking to me. I will be posting the 9 days of the novena, beginning today, on Sunday, Wednesday, and Friday leading up to the 4th Sunday of Advent —Christmas Eve Day. As I rewrite this novena, I want to mention that I am not doing a anything different than its original author. This novena is what is called a private revelation given to Fr. Dulindo Ruotolo. It is not something that has been officially approved by the Church for private prayer, and it has not been officially discouraged (as far as I know, and I am open to correction). This is important to remember. Fr. Ruotolo is no different from you and me, in terms of baptismal character; that is, we are all given the theological virtues of faith, hope, and charity and a capacity to be in relationship with our Creator. It could be said that this is my own private revelation that I am sharing with all of you, with Fr. Ruotolo’s novena as a guide for my own prayer.

First a note about the changes I have made: I have attempted to make the prayer more scriptural because Sacred Scripture is the basis for all Christian Prayer. The change in the repeated words in the prayer reflect this goal to make the prayer more scriptural. I have also attempted to reflect God’s character to a soul as I personally imagine it, and based on how God has revealed God’s character in Sacred Scripture. It is my belief that God’s character will manifest the nine fruits of the Holy Spirit into my heart: gentleness, kindness, patience, goodness, faithfulness, peace, love, self-control, and joy (cf Gal 5:22-23).

Without further ado… 

Day 1 of the IFS-based Surrender Novena

(To see the original text go here).

Jesus to the soul: Dear one, I notice that you have some worried and anxious thoughts and feelings. Are you confused by all that is happening in your life? I am here to be with you, and to accompany you in everything.  I see those anxious thoughts and I welcome them with My open arms and merciful love.  Turn your heart to them with Me, and I invite you to ask inside, “What if?  What if there were Someone bigger who could take care of you and bring you hope and peace?  Would you be open to that?”  

I am that Someone.  I invite you to be open to My merciful love and the power of the Holy Spirit, which in time will resolve all difficult situations.

A soul’s prayer: O Jesus, I surrender my Self to you; in You, Lord, is my hope! (10 times) (cf Psalm 39:7).

Jesus, You gave us your Mother from the Cross, saying, “Behold, your Mother.” With you, Mother Mary, I always want to be completely united to Jesus. (cf John 19:27).

A Brilliant Doctor brought into the Modern World of Internal Family Systems

I cannot help but notice the beauty and wisdom of how St. Francis de Sales counseled people in his spiritual direction, most especially the novice (see this letter from St. Francis de Sales) who was seeking perfection. I will now endeavor to reframe his advice in terms of the IFS model. This is my attempt to bring the wisdom of a Doctor of the Church into the modern world of trauma-informed psychology and inner parts work.

The IFS model is secular, and its primary philosophy is formed from experimental data of human experience. Here are the main conclusions: Every human person has a Self who has the capacity to observe and reflect upon one’s own thoughts and emotions. IFS goes further to say that the Self can build a relationship with the thoughts and emotions as if they were little human persons inside. As the Self notices and reflects upon thoughts and emotions, the Self also has the capacity to bring the qualities of calm, curiosity, compassion, courage, connection, confidence, clarity, and creativity inward, and bring inner peace. It is my personal belief that this inner peace can be considered a form of what St. Ignatius calls ‘non-spiritual consolation.’ By gently paying attention to these ‘parts’ inside our psyche an inner relationship of tenderness grows. This attention and attunement, in a human way, brings peace and inner healing to the ‘family system of parts’ within the human person. The Self brings non-spiritual consolation (my application of Ignatius’ definition) to the parts, in service of preparing the heart, mind, and body for spiritual consolation that only comes from God, through the Holy Spirit.

St. Francis writes to his directee:

In IFS terms the phrase, “the multiplicity of reflections and desires,” is describing an inner battle, or a polarity. The mind that “becomes confused and wrapped up in itself” may feel like a cloudiness in one’s forehead. In IFS this confusion is considered a layer of protection for the parts battle underneath between the parts who work towards perfection and parts who are resistant. The cloudiness may be a way to procrastinate or dissociate from the exhausting battle underneath between the “bumblebees and hornets.” Both sides possibly have the good intention of inner peace and consolation that results from the will choosing to grow in relationship with God. The IFS model suggests that these parts are working very hard to help a wounded and burdened part (an exile) who believes she needs to be perfect in order to attain this relationship with God. The protective striver parts set the standards higher than can be achieved. The protective resistant parts, understanding that perfection is unattainable, work hard to minimize failure. The interior battle leaves the person exhausted and confused, both physically and mentally, and the spirit is “starved of all consolation.” (Nota bene, everyone has their own personal interior experience. The above is just a model of what could be happening inside. An IFS practitioner or a spiritual director who is IFS informed wouldn’t put his/her personal thoughts or judgments onto a directee who was presenting with a part that is burdened by perfectionism. The only way to really understand what’s going on is to guide the individual person to listen inside to their parts with open-hearted curiosity).

As St. Francis says later in more than a few words, let’s slow this down! “I don’t mean that we shouldn’t head in the direction of perfection, but that we mustn’t try to get there in a day, that is, a mortal day, for such a desire would upset us, and for no purpose.” St. Frances de Sales must be alluding to the truth we find in Scripture that “with the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day” (2 Pt 3:8). In other words, the Lord is patient, waits for us, and leads us: “Let us not doubt that God will provide more for us tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow, and all the days of our pilgrimage.” (de Sales).

Not surprisingly, there are other aspects of Self (according to IFS), such as patience, persistence, presence, playfulness, and perspective. These aspects are, indeed, more ways in which our Self can image God to connect to our innermost parts. By making a U-turn towards our parts and paying loving attention to them, (rather than shaming ourselves, which is actually considered another protective part), we are able to bring our minds back into a state of clarity. This is similar to the further advice de Sales gives to his directee:

Our thoughts and feelings and our “imperfections” are dear to God and should therefore be dear to us. God recognizes our efforts that begin with our hearts’ desires for Him, and He does not want us to be burdened by an unattainable idea of perfection. Acknowledging and loving our “misery” is how both IFS and our beloved Doctor of the Church, St. Francis de Sales, encourage us to grow in wholeness and holiness.

The Sacraments are Real

Jesus is the ultimate Both/And.

Weary Traveler…beat down from the storms that you have weathered. Feels like this road just might go on forever…Carry on.

-Jordan St. Cyr, Weary Traveler

“Dear Holy Spirit, help me to get up and go.”

This was my prayer before I went to sleep last night. I need all the help I can get. I have been planning to go to confession for weeks, and somehow I haven’t made it. One of my favorite coping strategies is to put things off, even good things. I intended to get up at 4:30, have my coffee, and leave at 5 am in order to go to confession at 5:30 and Mass at 6:00. Right away, I want to nip something in the bud – whatever you may be thinking of me right now, I want you to know – I do this because I need it. Everyone does. Only God is good (Mark 10:18).

Holy Spirit came through, and I sat and waited for the priest at 5:30 am. I am glad he was a little late because it gave me time to prepare. Confession is always difficult. “Why do I have to do this?” a little part of me says inside. “Because it will be good for us,” I respond back. (Yes, I talk to myself). The priest was kind and gentle, and listened and attuned to my words. He encouraged me, gave me a simple and practical penance, said the words of absolution, and sent me on my way with the words, “Go in peace, your sins are forgiven!”

Then the tears started, as I waited in the Church for Mass to begin. “How can it be so easy? And yet so hard?” I stared at the Crucifix and had my answer. “My yoke is easy, my burden is light,” came the words of Matthew 11:30 into my heart. The tears continued.

Weary Traveler, restless soul…you were never meant to walk this road alone! It’ll all be worth it, so just hold on! Weary Traveler, You won’t be weary long!

Jordan St. Cyr

To attend Mass is to receive another Sacrament – Holy Communion. We hear the Word, then we literally eat the Word. This is our belief. Food for the soul; spiritual food for the journey, taken through the body. Before the prayer of consecration the priest prayed:

O God, who in the offerings presented here

provide for the twofold needs of human nature,

nourishing us with food

and renewing us with your Sacrament,

grant, we pray,

that the sustenance they provide

may not fail us in body or in spirit.

Through Christ our Lord.


This is what I mean when I say Jesus is the ultimate both/and. He, as both human and divine, is the only human who can provide the two fold needs of human nature. He nourishes the spirit through the body in the Sacraments.

No more searching. Heaven’s healing’s gonna find where all the hurt is…When Jesus calls, we’ll lay down all our heavy burdens. Carry on!

Jordan St. Cyr

By the end of Mass there was one major feeling I felt: Gratitude.

The Sacraments are real, and Jesus is the ultimate Both/And.

See the lyric video for Weary Traveler, by Jordan St. Cyr (copy and paste):